Karen Welch Counselling


What is Self-Compassion and why is it important?
What is self-compassion and why is it so important?  Self-Compassion means being kind and supportive to ourselves as we would be towards a friend. This is especially important when we are struggling in life. Self-Compassion is important because it’s healthier to respond to ourselves in a kind and caring way than to be constantly critical […]
As we Approach The New Year….
As we approach the new year it can bring up lots of different emotions for us. These can range from excitement, relief, sadness, pressure and anxiety. Setting aside some time to reflect on the past year can help to give a sense of perspective and closure before moving forward. If you do want to make […]
Coping with grief over the holiday season
Dealing with your grief through the holiday season can be overwhelming and you may be worried about how you are going to cope. You may not feel happy and joyful around this time and feel there is an expectation to be this way. You might be going through the motions of just trying to get […]
The ups and downs of everyday life
Do you find it hard to deal with the ups and downs of everyday life? All too often we seek out the ups and try our hardest to avoid the downs! The fact is that the ups and downs in our everyday lives are part of our human experience. Trying to control these ups and […]

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